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Techy Tyler’s Tech Tip Tuesday: Discount Code for Tickets

Techy Tyler’s Tech Tip Tuesday: Discount Code for Tickets

Oct 26, 2021 Caroline Keane

Okay, but seriously, who doesn't like a discounted ticket for a virtual event? And what event organizer doesn’t want to offer a promotion? On Eventcombo, it only takes 30 seconds to create a discount code for tickets.  

After you’ve created your virtual event, head to your event page dashboard. On the left, you’ll need to find the header, “invite and promote.” Below you’ll find a link to “promotional and access codes,” this is where you’ll be able to add a discount code.  

As you probably already know, Fireworks™ by Eventcombo runs on the unlimited model, so this case is no different. You can apply multiple codes for one event!  

Once you’re on the “manage promotional codes page,” click on the blue plus sign on the top right. Make sure “coded discount” is selected. Then create the code for your ticket. Have some fun with this! It is always a blast to share a goofy discount code to your attendees.  

Since everything you do pre-event impacts your attendees; this is the perfect time to set the tone for the entire event! Every detail matters! 

Next, you can enter your discount amount, so that can be 25% off, 50% off, or you can even choose to make it 100% free!  You have other exciting options too. Include a limit to the number of discount codes that can be used, or use the option for applying the discount in terms of a fixed dollar amount, instead of a percentage-based discount.  

The additional option of adding a start date and end date to the discount codes is perfect, if you want to have an early bird promotion! This not only rewards those who sign up early, but creates an incentive for others to purchase their tickets ahead of time. It always helps an event organizer to have an accurate estimate of guests in the early planning stages.  

Because Eventcombo offers various types of tickets, such as VIP and general admission, you can also select which types of tickets are eligible for the discount code.  

Last but not least, remember to click the blue save button at the bottom of the page. Voila! Your discount code has been created, and is ready for use. 

For more information on how to create a discount code for your virtual event, watch here. 

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